Mathematics is both a key skill within school, and a life skill to be utilised throughout every person’s day-to-day experiences.
Mathematics equips pupils with tools to understand and change the world. These tools include logical reasoning, problem solving skills and the ability to think in abstract ways. Mathematics is important in everyday life. It is integral to all aspects of life and with this in mind, we endeavour to ensure that children develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards mathematics that will stay with them.
The National Curriculum for Mathematics (2014) describes in detail what pupils must learn in each year group. This ensures continuity, progression and high expectations for attainment in mathematics.
Our aims in mathematics are:
To foster a positive attitude to mathematics as an interesting and attractive part of the curriculum. To develop the ability to think clearly and logically, with confidence, flexibility and independence of thought. To develop a deeper understanding of mathematics (mastery) through a process of enquiry and investigation. To develop an understanding of the connectivity of patterns and relationships within mathematics. To develop the ability to apply knowledge, skills and ideas in real life contexts outside the classroom and become aware of the uses of mathematics in the wider world. To develop an ability and inclination to work both alone and co-operatively to solve mathematical problems. To develop personal qualities such as perseverance, independent thinking, cooperation and self-confidence through a sense of achievement and success.
Maths Curriculum Planning :
At Widewell Primary Academy we use the National Curriculum for Mathematics (2014) as the basis of our mathematics programme. Mathematics is a core subject in the National Curriculum and we use the objectives from this to support planning and to assess children’s progress.
Staff use The White Rose Maths Power Maths programme to deliver their lessons (although other resources are used where needed). The class teacher is responsible for the mathematics planning for their class. Power Maths is recommended by the DfE for schools on the Teaching for Mastery Programme and is fully aligned with the 2014 English national curriculum. Power Maths textbooks and workbooks are designed using decades of research to ensure a deep, secure understanding of maths in learners of every attainment level.
Our Lesson Structure:
We structure our lessons at Widewell to ensure that our children can 'Keep up not catch up" The majority of our maths lessons use the following structure: Pre-Teaching followed by a Retrieval Exercise and then a Power Maths lesson, followed by same day Intervention or 'Post-Teaching'. Further lessons may be slotted in to address misconceptions or to further embed knowledge for a particular or related topic.
Additional fluency is taught during the week outside of our maths sessions - these include following The NCETM Mastering Number programme and using Times Table Sticks to embed number and to ensure our children have the knowledge and fast recall of number facts in place to support their maths learning and build confidence.
The impact of our mathematics curriculum is that we establish an environment where maths is fun, purposeful and challenging, where it is OK to be ‘wrong’ because the learning journey towards finding solutions and confidently applying new knowledge, understanding and reasoning skills is most important. Our children take great pride in what they achieve and have a growth mind-set, which supports them in making measurable progress throughout their time here; their maths workbooks are packed with a range of learning outcomes showing rich evidence of fluency, reasoning and problem solving.