Teaching Assistants - Mrs Tucker and Mrs Richardson
Throughout the year we will be closely observing your children and extending their learning through needs and fascinations. We will be focusing on the 7 areas of the Early Years curriculum - these are:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED);
Communication and Language (CL);
Physcial Development (PD);Â
 Understanding the World (UW);
Expressive Arts and Design (EAD).
We look forward to our year of fun, learning and discovery!
If you ever need to speak to a member of the team, you can email us at: office@widewellprimary.co.uk or contact us via Class Dojo. Alternatively, please just catch us on the door and we will be more than happy to answer any question - no question is a silly question! You will also find out a wealth of information by reading our Spring Term Curriculum letter, which can be found below.Â
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Teamwork outdoors
Planting trees
It is huge!
Checking teddy is okay
How amazing!
Exploring bones during our Teddy Bear Hospital session